ChatGPT Prompts for HR

100+ ChatGPT Prompts for HR

Drowning in paperwork, struggling to find top talent, and wishing there were more hours in the day? We’ve all been there. But what if there was a way to leverage the power of AI to streamline your HR processes and free up your time?

Introducing the ChatGPT Prompts Library for HR: 100+ Actionable Prompts to Streamline Your HR Processes.

Get ready to:

👉 Slash through repetitive tasks and free up your time for strategic initiatives.

👉 Craft compelling job descriptions and emails that resonate with ideal candidates.

👉 Design effective training materials and personalized development plans.

👉 Navigate complex employee relations issues with confidence.

This is your one-stop shop to boost efficiency and create a thriving work environment.

Let’s get started!

NOTE: Please customize the prompts to suit your organizational needs. Be specific to get the best response from ChatGPT.

☝️ ChatGPT Prompts for HR for Recruitment & Sourcing

1. Compelling Job Description (Remote-Friendly)

Prompt: Craft a compelling job description for a {Role | Software Engineer} at a tech startup focused on {Industry & Market | AI-centred healthcare solution} named {Company Name}. Highlight a company culture of {Core Values| innovation, collaboration, and work-life balance}.

Emphasize the flexibility of remote work, including details about remote onboarding, equipment provisioning, and virtual team-building activities.

Example Company Culture Points:

  • Emphasis on professional development and learning opportunities
  • Flexible work hours and unlimited vacation policy
  • Strong commitment to diversity and inclusion
  • Regular virtual team-building events and social gatherings

Example Remote Work Support:

  • Provision of top-tier hardware and software
  • Reimbursement for home office setup costs
  • Regular virtual check-ins and team meetings
  • Access to collaboration tools and platforms

2. Sourcing Strategy Plan

Prompt: Develop a sourcing strategy for a {Role | Software Engineer} at a B2B SaaS company targeting the {Industry & Market | AI-centred healthcare solution} named {Company Name}. Prioritize channels that reach experienced product marketers with a strong understanding of the fintech sector. Consider a combination of job boards, social media, professional networking platforms, and employee referrals.

Example Channels:

  • Job boards: LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, specialized tech job boards
  • Social media: LinkedIn, Twitter, industry-specific groups on Facebook and Reddit

3. Targeted Keywords (Specific Skill)

Prompt: Generate a list of keywords and search terms to attract candidates with strong {Specific skill | Python programming skills} for a {Role | Data Scientist} position at an {Industry & Market | data analytics firm} named {Company Name}. Include synonyms, related skills (e.g., data structures, algorithms), and industry-specific terms (e.g., machine learning, data mining).

Example Keywords:

  • Python, Python developer, Python programmer
  • Data science, data scientist, machine learning engineer
  • Data mining, data analysis, statistical modeling
  • Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch

4. Engaging Social Media Posts (Benefits Focus)

Prompt: Create a social media post promoting a {Role | Customer Success Manager} position at an {Industry & Market | cloud-based CRM software} company named {Company Name}. Highlight company benefits such as {Company Benefits | unlimited vacation, flexible work arrangements, and professional development opportunities}. Use eye-catching visual cues and a strong call to action.

Potential Benefits to Highlight

  • Work-life balance: flexible hours, remote work options, unlimited PTO
  • Compensation and perks: competitive salary, health insurance, retirement benefits, employee discounts, gym memberships
  • Professional growth: career advancement opportunities, training and development programs, mentorship, tuition reimbursement
  • Company culture: positive work environment, diversity and inclusion initiatives, social events, volunteer opportunities
  • Job satisfaction: meaningful work, autonomy, recognition and rewards

5. Personalized LinkedIn Outreach

Prompt: Craft a highly personalized LinkedIn outreach message to connect with potential candidates for the {Job Title} role at a B2B SaaS company targeting the {Industry & Market | AI-centred healthcare solution} named {Company Name}. Tailor the message to the individual’s profile, highlighting specific skills, experiences, or shared connections. Demonstrate a strong understanding of the candidate’s background and how it aligns with the company’s needs. Include a compelling call to action and a clear next step.

Example personalization tactics:

  • Reference a specific project or accomplishment mentioned on the candidate’s profile.
  • Highlight shared experiences, such as previous companies or educational institutions.
  • Mention a mutual connection to build rapport.
  • Offer a valuable resource or insight related to the candidate’s industry or interests.

6. Targeted Alumni Network Email (Degree & Field)


Create a personalized email template to target alumni with a {Degree} in {Field} for a {Job Title} position at {Company Name}. Highlight the company’s mission, values, and culture that align with alumni interests. Emphasize career growth opportunities and opportunities to contribute to {specific company initiatives or projects}. Include a strong call to action and a clear next step.

The example you can feed into ChatGPT:

  • Mission: To revolutionize healthcare through AI-powered solutions.
  • Values: Innovation, empathy, patient-centricity, collaboration.
  • Culture: Fast-paced, data-driven, and results-oriented with a strong emphasis on work-life balance and employee well-being.

7. Job Posting Templates

Prompt: Design a set of adaptable job posting templates for various platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, company website) while maintaining consistent branding, tone, and key information across all postings. Each template should be optimized to attract qualified applicants for the specific role.

Template Components:

  • Job Title: Clear and concise title reflecting the position’s responsibilities.
  • Company Information: Company name, location (city, state, remote option if applicable), and a brief company overview (mission, values).
  • Job Summary: An engaging overview highlighting the position’s core function and its impact within the company.
  • Responsibilities: Bulleted list detailing the key duties and tasks associated with the role.
  • Qualifications: Clear outline of the required skills, experience, and educational background for the position.
  • Benefits & Perks: Highlight key benefits and company offerings in a bulleted format (e.g., health insurance, paid time off, and professional development opportunities).
  • Company Culture: Briefly describe the company culture and work environment.
  • Call to Action: Clear and platform-specific instruction for applying (e.g., “Apply Now,” “Submit Resume”).

8. Veteran Recruitment Job Ad

Prompt: Craft a job advertisement specifically targeting veterans for the {Job Title} position at {Company Name}. Highlight transferable skills commonly possessed by veterans (e.g., leadership, teamwork, adaptability) and emphasize the company’s commitment to hiring veterans. Include information about veteran-specific resources and benefits.

Example transferable skills:

  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Discipline
  • Problem-solving
  • Adaptability
  • Attention to detail

9. Employer Branding Strategy

Prompt: Develop a comprehensive strategy to enhance {Company name | Peoplebox’s} employer brand and attract top talent. Detail the tactics for effectively showcasing the company’s culture, core values, employee benefits, and success stories. Include plans for leveraging social media, the company website, job portals, and employee advocacy programs.

Highlight specific initiatives such as employee testimonials, behind-the-scenes videos, and company events. Discuss methods for measuring the impact of these branding efforts and continuously improving the strategy based on feedback and performance metrics.

10. Blog Post

Prompt: Develop a blog post about the benefits of working at {Company name | XYZ company} to target passive candidates who might be interested in the {Job Title} role. Focus on unique perks, culture, and employee testimonials.

This could include:

  • Flexible work arrangements (remote work, compressed workweeks)
  • On-site amenities (fitness centres, game rooms, nap pods)
  • Professional development opportunities (tuition reimbursement, conferences)
  • Wellness programs (on-site gym memberships, discounted health insurance)
  • Unique benefits (pet insurance, volunteer time off, subsidized lunches)

✌️ ChatGPT Prompts for HR Professionals for Candidate Screening & Interview

1. Career Development Interview Script (Focus: Specificity & Personalization)

Prompt: Develop a script for HR personnel to answer common interview questions about career development opportunities within the company, including specific details on training programs, mentorship initiatives, and tuition reimbursement programs.

Consider incorporating the following:

  • Company-specific examples: Highlight upcoming training programs relevant to the candidate’s potential role and career path.
  • Mentorship program details: Explain the structure of the mentorship program, matching process, and potential benefits for the candidate (e.g., learning from experienced leaders).
  • Tuition reimbursement details: Outline the eligibility criteria, coverage percentage, and application process for tuition reimbursement.
  • Personalization: Encourage the candidate to discuss their specific career goals and tailor the response to demonstrate how the company’s programs can help them achieve them.

2. Online Learning Platform Ad (Development Focus: Targeted Messaging)

Prompt: Create a targeted advertisement for online learning platforms focusing on attracting candidates seeking professional development opportunities in the {Job Title} field. Highlight relevant courses and career paths.

  • Targeted keywords: The ad copy should include relevant keywords related to the {Job Title} skillset and career path.
  • Highlight in-demand skills: Focus on specific courses that address the most sought-after skills for the {Job Title} role.
  • Career path visualization: Showcase potential career paths achievable through the online learning platform, including potential job titles and salary ranges.
  • Call to action: Include a clear call to action, such as “Enroll now” or “Start your free trial” with a link to the platform.

3. Pre-Screening Questionnaire (Skills & Experience: Enhance with Behavioral Questions)

Prompt: Design a pre-screening questionnaire for the {Job Title} role that identifies essential skills and experiences relevant to the job description. Include a mix of multiple-choice, short-answer, and ranking questions. Consider incorporating behavioral interview questions to assess past performance.

  • Behavioral questions: Instead of simply asking “Do you have experience with X software?” use prompts like “Describe a time you used X software to solve a problem for a client.”
  • Skill ranking: Include a section where candidates rank their proficiency level in relevant skills (e.g., Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced).
  • Open-ended questions: Ask open-ended questions like “What motivates you in your work?” to gain insights into the candidate’s personality and work ethic.

4. Situational Judgement Questions (Problem-Solving: Focus on Real-World Scenarios)

Prompt: Generate a set of situational judgment questions to assess a candidate’s problem-solving abilities relevant to the {Job Title} role. Focus on real-world scenarios and require the candidate to explain their thought process and chosen course of action.

  • Realistic scenarios: Craft questions that simulate situations a {Job Title} might encounter at work, such as “A client is unhappy with the project deadline. How would you approach this situation?”

5. Writing Sample Prompt (Technical Expertise: Tailor to Specific Role)

Prompt: Craft a writing sample prompt that evaluates a candidate’s communication skills and technical expertise for the {Job Title} role. Tailor the prompt specifically to the needs of the role:

  • Technical focus: For a technical role, create a prompt like “Write a technical report outlining the steps involved in troubleshooting a network issue.”
  • Communication focus: For a client-facing role, consider a prompt like “Craft an email to a client explaining a complex technical issue in a clear and concise manner.”
  • Time limit: Set a realistic time limit for the writing sample to assess the candidate’s efficiency and writing pace.

6. Scoring Rubric (Assessment Type: Define Clear Criteria)

Prompt: Develop a scoring rubric for evaluating candidate responses on the {Assessment Type} used for the {Job Title} position. Clearly define criteria and point allocation for different levels of performance.

  • Assessment-specific criteria: Align the criteria with the specific assessment type (e.g., interview, writing sample, presentation).
  • Performance levels: Define clear categories like “Excellent,” “Good,” “Needs Improvement” with specific point ranges and descriptive expectations for each level within the rubric.
  • Weighted criteria: Assign point values to different criteria based on their importance for the {Job Title} role.

7. Resume Summary (Strengths & Weaknesses: Data-Driven Approach)

Prompt: Summarize key points from a candidate’s resume for the {Job Title} role, identifying their strengths and weaknesses based on a data-driven approach:

  • Skills & experience alignment: Use keywords from the job description to analyze the candidate’s resume for relevant skills and experience alignment. Highlight strong matches and identify potential gaps.
  • Quantifiable achievements: Look for quantifiable achievements within the candidate’s work experience. For example, “Increased sales by 20% through a new marketing campaign.”
  • Skills gap analysis: Based on the job description, identify any skills gaps and suggest potential solutions, such as on-the-job training or online courses.

8. Follow-up Interview Questions (Response Analysis: Deeper Exploration)

Prompt: Develop follow-up questions based on a candidate’s responses during the interview for the {Job Title} role. Probe deeper into their answers, assess their thought process, and uncover specific skills and experiences

If the candidate mentioned they have experience leading a successful social media campaign, suggest follow-up questions like:

  • Behavioral Follow-up: “You mentioned leading a successful social media campaign. Can you walk me through your thought process for developing the campaign strategy? How did you measure the campaign’s success?”
  • Skill Assessment: “This campaign involved social media analytics. Can you elaborate on the specific tools and metrics you used to track campaign performance?”
  • Problem-Solving Exploration: “The campaign encountered an unexpected challenge. Can you describe the situation and how you approached resolving it?”

9. Post-Interview Evaluation Form (Structured Feedback):

Prompt: Develop a post-interview evaluation form for interviewers to share feedback on candidates for the {Job Title} position. Include sections for evaluating relevant skills, communication style, and overall fit for the role and company culture.

Example sections to include:

  • Candidate Info: Name, Date, Interviewer(s)
    • Technical Skills (Replace with Job Description Skills):Rate (1-5) each skill with comments (strengths/weaknesses).
    • Communication Style:Rate (1-5) Clarity, Confidence, Active Listening (comments).
    • Cultural Fit:Rate (1-5) Collaboration, Problem-Solving, Values Alignment (comments/examples).
  • Recommendation: Strongly Recommend / Recommend with Reservations / Not Recommend

10. Collaborative Interview Decision Email (Clear Communication):

Prompt: Craft a collaborative email to the interview team to compare notes and reach a hiring decision for the {Job Title} role. Briefly summarize each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses identified during the interview process.

For example:

{Candidate 1 Name}:

  • Strengths: Demonstrated strong {Skill 1} skills and a proven track record of success in {Relevant Experience}.
  • Weaknesses: Limited experience with {Specific Skill} might require additional training.
  • Overall Impression: {Positive/Neutral/Negative} based on their qualifications and fit for the role.

🤟 ChatGPT Prompts for HR for Onboarding & New Hire Experience

1. Personalized Welcome Email (Schedule & Introduction)

Prompt: Create a personalized welcome email to a new employee for the {Job Title} role, outlining their first-day schedule, introducing key contacts, and providing any necessary login information.

Sample first Day Schedule for {Job Title}

  • 8:30 – 9:00: Welcome and settle in
  • 9:00 – 9:30: Coffee & bagels with colleagues
  • 9:30 – 11:00: Meet with Department Coordinator
    • Overview of department structure
    • Navigating the company website
    • IT access and tools overview
  • 11:00 – 11:15: Break
  • 11:15 – 12:00: Team introduction and office tour
  • 12:00 – 1:00: Lunch with department colleagues
  • 1:00 – 2:00: Meeting with Team Manager
    • Review job description and expectations
    • Overview of onboarding training plan
  • 2:00 – 3:30: Independent review of resources and onboarding materials
  • 3:30 – 4:30: Check-in with HR for questions and feedback
  • 4:30 – 5:00: Wrap-up and outline next steps

2. Comprehensive Onboarding Checklist (Tasks & Resources)

Prompt: Design a comprehensive onboarding checklist for the {Job Title} role, covering key tasks such as completing paperwork, setting up equipment, and attending training sessions. Include resources and deadlines for each task.

Include key tasks to complete, such as:

  • Filling out tax forms and employment paperwork
  • Setting up email, computer, phone, and other equipment
  • Attending mandatory training sessions on HR policies, procedures, and compliance
  • Completing role-specific training modules and courses

To make it easier for you, we’ve created the ultimate employee onboarding checklist in Google Sheets. Check it out!

3. Training Plan (Role & Development)

Prompt: Develop a training plan for the {Job Title} position, outlining specific training modules, resources, and milestones for the new hire. Tailor the plan to the role’s specific needs and the new employee’s experience level.

Examples of specific training modules and courses to complete:

  • Company history, culture, and values
  • Products, services, and customers
  • Departmental processes and workflows
  • Software and tools used in the role

4. Manager Welcome Script (Team & Expectations)

Prompt: Generate a script for a manager to introduce and welcome a new team member to the department during their first week. Highlight the team culture, key responsibilities, and expectations for the role.

Examples of expectations to include:

  • Key performance metrics and goals
  • Communication and collaboration norms
  • Attendance and time-off policies
  • Professional development opportunities

5. New Hire Feedback Survey (Experience & Suggestions)

Prompt: Craft a survey to gather employee feedback from new hires about their onboarding experience for the {Job Title} role. Ask questions about the clarity of communication, helpfulness of resources, and suggestions for improvement.

6. Icebreaker Activity Ideas (Team Building & Relationships)

Prompt: Develop a list of engaging icebreaker activity ideas for new hires to connect with their team members during the onboarding process.

This could involve:

  • Online games and trivia that allow team members to learn more about each other
  • Virtual team lunches or happy hours where team members can chat informally
  • Scavenger hunts or challenges that require team collaboration
  • Sharing personal stories, hobbies, or fun facts about themselves
  • Discussing favorite books, movies, or TV shows
  • Describing their dream vacation or bucket list items

7. Onboarding Mentor Program (Guidance & Support)

Prompt: Formulate a framework for an onboarding mentor program where experienced employees can guide and support new hires in the {Job Title} role. Outline mentor responsibilities and expectations.

Examples of mentor responsibilities:

  • Providing guidance and answering questions about the role and company
  • Offering support and encouragement during the onboarding process
  • Helping the new hire build relationships with other team members
  • Providing feedback and suggestions for improvement

8. Shadowing Schedule (Learning & Observation)

Prompt: Create a shadowing schedule for a new hire in the {Job Title} role to observe experienced colleagues and learn the day-to-day tasks and workflows.

Here’s what you can include:

  • A list of key team members and roles the new hire should shadow
  • Specific tasks and workflows the new hire should observe and learn
  • Estimated time needed for each shadowing session, such as:
    • Half-day or full-day observations
    • Attending client meetings or site visits
    • Participating in team meetings and brainstorming sessions

9. New Hire Progress Check-In Script (Support & Feedback)

Prompt: Develop a script for HR personnel to conduct regular check-in meetings with new hires in the {Job Title} role during their first few weeks.

Examples of what to include in the script:

  • Checking in on the new hire’s overall experience and comfort level in their role
  • Assessing their progress in completing onboarding tasks and training
  • Identifying any areas where they may need additional support or resources
  • Gathering feedback on the effectiveness of the onboarding process
  • Discussing any concerns or challenges they may be facing
  • Providing encouragement and positive reinforcement for their progress
  • Outlining next steps and goals for the coming weeks and months
  • Inviting the new hire to share any other thoughts or suggestions

10. Knowledge Base Access & Resources

Prompt: Craft a welcome email granting new hires access to the company’s knowledge base, which contains resources, FAQs, and tutorials relevant to their role and the company overall.

List of key resources to include:

  • Job descriptions and responsibilities
  • Company policies and procedures
  • Product information and specifications
  • Client and customer profiles
  • FAQs and troubleshooting guides
  • Training materials and tutorials

🖖 ChatGPT Prompts for HR for Performance Management & Development

1. Performance Review Talking Points (Strengths & Areas for Improvement)

Prompt: Generate talking points for a performance review meeting, outlining key achievements, areas for improvement, and specific examples for an employee in the {Job Title} role. Discuss the employee’s key achievements over the review period, such as successfully completing {specific project}, exceeding targets in {specific task}, and demonstrating excellence in {specific skill or responsibility}.

Identify areas where the employee can improve, such as {specific skill or task}, and provide concrete examples of instances where improvement is needed.

Examples of strengths:

  • Successfully led the {specific project} to completion ahead of schedule, demonstrating strong project management skills.
  • Consistently exceeded quarterly sales targets, showing exceptional performance in sales and client relationship management.
  • Displayed excellent teamwork and collaboration by assisting colleagues in their tasks and mentoring new team members.

Examples of areas for improvement:

  • As observed during the {specific project}, time management skills need to be improved to handle multiple tasks more efficiently.
  • Could benefit from additional training in {specific skill}, as there were a few instances where this skill was required but not adequately demonstrated.
  • Should work on enhancing communication with remote team members to ensure better coordination and information sharing.

2. Self-Reflection Feedback Questions (Growth & Motivation)

Prompt: Develop a set of self-reflection feedback questions to encourage employees in the {Job Title} role to reflect on their performance and identify areas for growth during a one-on-one meeting.

Self-evaluation can be a tricky type of review to do due to its obvious bias. To make it easier for your team, we have curated a list of 60+ self-evaluation examples you can share with them to ensure objectivity during performance reviews. Check it out!

3. Peer Feedback Script (Constructive & Collaborative)

Prompt: Develop a script to guide employees in the {Job Title} role on providing constructive and collaborative feedback to their peers. Focus on specific examples, actionable suggestions, and maintaining a positive and supportive tone.

Use the Situation-Behavior-Impact (SBI) model to structure feedback:

  • Situation: Describe the context in which the behavior occurred.
  • Behavior: Specify the behavior observed.
  • Impact: Explain the effect of that behavior on the team or project.

Actionable steps examples:

  • Set a goal to practice active listening during team meetings by summarizing what others have said before responding.
  • Schedule regular check-ins with colleagues to solicit feedback on your communication style and make adjustments based on their input.

Don’t forget to check out our blog post: Peer Review Examples: 70+ Powerful Phrases You Can Use

4. Performance Review Self-Assessment Template (Strengths & Goals)

Prompt: Create a self-assessment template for employees in the {Job Title} role to complete before their performance review meeting.

Example sections to include in the template:

  • Strengths
  • Accomplishments
  • Areas for Improvement
  • Goals
  • Additional Comments

5. OKR Goal Setting & Tracking Tools:

Research and recommend user-friendly tools to support employees in setting and tracking OKRs within the {Job Title} role. Consider factors such as {Factors list}.

Example factors to consider:

  • Ease of Use
  • Integration with Existing Software
  • Customization Options
  • Collaboration Features
  • Real-Time Progress Tracking
  • Reporting and Analytics
  • Mobile Accessibility

🥨 By the way, if you’re on the lookout for an OKR management software that can help you build a thriving workforce, try Peoplebox!

6. Manager Training on Coaching for OKRs

Prompt: Develop a training program for managers on coaching employees in the {Job Title} role on setting, tracking, and achieving OKRs. Focus on providing clear expectations, offering ongoing support, and fostering a growth mindset.

Sample content outline:

  • Introduction to OKRs: Definition, benefits, and alignment with company goals.
  • Setting Effective OKRs: How to guide employees in creating OKRs
  • Tracking Progress: Techniques for monitoring and supporting employees in achieving their OKRs.
  • Providing Feedback: Best practices for giving constructive feedback and fostering a growth mindset.

7. Post-Training Evaluation Form (Effectiveness & Application)

Prompt: Craft a post-training evaluation form for employees to assess the effectiveness and relevance of a training program they participated in. Gather feedback on content delivery, skills learned, and application to their work in the {Job Title} role.

Examples of questions to include:

  • Content Relevance: Did the training content address the relevant skills and knowledge required for your job role?
  • Delivery Effectiveness: Was the training delivered in an engaging and informative manner?
  • Skill Development: Did the training equip you with the skills and knowledge to confidently apply OKRs in your work?
  • Application to Work: How can you leverage the learnings from this training to improve your OKR setting and tracking process?

8. OKR Goal Setting & Tracking Training

Prompt: Design a training program to equip employees in the {Job Title} role with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective OKR goal setting and tracking.

Example Modules to Include:

  1. Introduction to OKRs
  2. Setting Effective OKRs
  3. Tracking and Measuring Progress
  4. Aligning OKRs with Company Goals
  5. Review and Adjust OKRs
Try Peoplebox performance management platform

9. Performance Management Best Practices Blog Post (Strategies & Tools)

Prompt: Write a blog post sharing best practices for effective performance management. Include strategies for setting goals, providing feedback, conducting performance reviews, and utilizing performance management tools for the {Job Title} role and beyond.

10. Personalized Development Plans (Skills & Career Goals)

Prompt: Create a framework for developing personalized development plans for employees in the {Job Title} role. Consider their performance reviews, skills gaps, and career aspirations when outlining training opportunities and goals.

Pssst! If you’re looking for individual development plan templates, we have a fully customizable version. Don’t miss it!

✋ ChatGPT Prompts for HR for Employee Relations & Retention

1. Employee Appreciation Message (Gratitude & Recognition)

Prompt: Craft a personalized message template for managers to express gratitude and recognition to employees in the {Job Title} role for their hard work and dedication. Address the employee by name and briefly state the purpose of the message. Mention specific accomplishments or contributions made by the employee like {accomplishment}.

Example accomplishments to mention:

  • Successful Project Completion
  • Outstanding Customer Service
  • Innovation and Improvement
  • Team Collaboration
  • Achievement of Goals
  • Positive Attitude and Initiative
  • Mentorship and Guidance

2. Conflict Resolution Script (Active Listening & Solutions)

Prompt: Develop a script to guide managers in effectively resolving conflicts between employees in the {Job Title} role. Focus on active listening, identifying root causes, and facilitating solutions that address both parties’ concerns.

3. Employee Engagement Survey (Satisfaction & Feedback)

Prompt: Formulate an employee engagement survey to gather feedback from employees in the {Job Title} role on their overall satisfaction, work environment, and opportunities for improvement within the company.

Sample survey question template structure:

  • Overall Satisfaction
  • Work Environment
  • Management and Leadership
  • Opportunities for Growth
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Feedback and Suggestions
  • Additional Comments

4. Open-Door Policy Announcement (Transparency & Communication)

Prompt: Craft an announcement email promoting the company’s open-door policy and encouraging employees in the [Job Title] role to feel comfortable raising concerns or seeking guidance from HR or managers.

5. Team-Building Activity Ideas (Collaboration & Fun)

Prompt: Generate a list of engaging team-building activity ideas suitable for employees in the [Job Title] role, both in-person and virtual options, to foster collaboration, communication, and a positive team spirit.

This could include:

  • Escape Room Challenges
  • Team Lunches/Dinners
  • Outdoor Team Sports
  • Virtual Trivia Games
  • Online Workshops
  • Virtual Scavenger Hunts
  • Hybrid Scavenger Hunts
  • Virtual Coffee Breaks

6. Diversity & Inclusion Training Recommendations

Prompt: Research and suggest relevant diversity and inclusion training programs that can be offered to employees in the [Job Title] role to promote a more inclusive and respectful work environment.

7. Work Anniversary Recognition Program (Milestones & Celebration)

Prompt: Develop a framework for a work anniversary recognition program to celebrate milestones achieved by employees in the [Job Title] role. Consider personalized gifts, team lunches, or public acknowledgements.

Examples of milestones to include:

  • 1 Year
  • 5 Years
  • 10 Years
  • 15 Years
  • 20+ Years

8. Employee Wellness Program Ideas (Health & Wellbeing)

Prompt: Generate a list of creative employee wellness program ideas that cater to the needs of employees in the [Job Title] role.

This could include:

  • On-Site Fitness Classes
  • Healthy Snack Options
  • Mental Health Resources
  • Wellness Challenges
  • Flexible Work Options
  • Stress Management Workshops
  • Access to Counseling Services

9. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Information & Resources

Prompt: Craft a clear and informative document outlining the details of the company’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for employees in the [Job Title] role. Explain how to access confidential support services for personal or work-related challenges.

Example details of the EAP:

  • Program Overview
  • Services Offered
  • How to Access Services
  • Confidentiality Assurance
  • Contact Information

10. Stay Interview Action Plan (Retention Strategies)

Prompt: Formulate an action plan based on insights gathered from stay interviews with high-performing employees in the [Job Title] role. Give suggestions to address their concerns, implement retention strategies, and foster continued engagement.

Best Practices for Using ChatGPT Prompts for HR

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when using ChatGPT prompts for HR tasks.

Prompt Crafting

✅ Clarity and Specificity: Ensure your prompts are clear and specific. The more details you provide about the desired outcome, the better ChatGPT can tailor its response to your needs.

🗒️ Actionable Language: Frame your prompts to generate actionable outputs. Instead of just requesting information, ask ChatGPT to create templates, lists, scripts, or other practical tools for your HR tasks.

📊 Data Integration: When possible, integrate relevant data into your prompts. This could include company information, job descriptions, or employee survey results. This will allow ChatGPT to provide more customized and relevant outputs.

Output Evaluation

🔍 Critical Review: Don’t blindly accept everything ChatGPT generates. Critically evaluate the outputs to ensure accuracy, relevance, and alignment with your company policies and culture.

🆗 Fact-Checking: Double-check the factual accuracy of information generated by ChatGPT, especially for legal or compliance-related prompts.

🫂 Bias Awareness: Be mindful of potential biases in the data ChatGPT is trained on. Review outputs for fairness and inclusivity, and adjust prompts if necessary.

Continuous Improvement

➰ Feedback Loop: Provide feedback to ChatGPT as you use it. This will help the model learn and improve its responses over time.

✍️ Iterative Refinement: Refine your prompts based on the outputs you receive. The more you experiment and iterate, the better you’ll be able to leverage ChatGPT for your HR needs.

Additional Considerations

🔐 Security and Privacy: Ensure you understand and comply with any security and privacy regulations related to the data you use with ChatGPT.

✅ Ethical Implications: Be mindful of the ethical implications of using artificial intelligence in HR tasks. Focus on using ChatGPT to augment human decision-making and avoid automation bias.

🗣️ Transparency and Communication: Communicate openly with employees about how Chat GPT is being used in HR processes. This will help build trust and understanding.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that ChatGPT becomes a valuable asset in your HR toolkit, empowering you to work smarter, not harder.

Additional ChatGPT Prompts for HR Tasks

ChatGPT Prompts for HR for Recruiting and Sourcing

⚙️ Day in the Life Social Media Post: Generate a social media post highlighting a day in the life of someone in the {Job Title} role to showcase company culture and daily tasks in an engaging way. Suggest what creative to go along with it.

⚙️ Job Fair Booth Advertisement: Create a targeted advertisement for a job fair booth, attracting candidates with the skills and experience required for the {Job Title} position. Suggest strong visuals and key information about the role and company.

⚙️ Career Fair Script (Company & Role): Formulate a script for recruiters to engage with potential candidates at a career fair, outlining the {Job Title} role, company culture, and unique selling points for working at {your company}.

⚙️ Employee Promotion Social Media Post: Craft a social media post celebrating a recent employee promotion or achievement to showcase career growth opportunities within the company and inspire potential applicants.

⚙️ Employee Referral Program Incentives: Generate a list of employee referral program incentives to encourage current employees to recommend qualified candidates for the {Job Title} position. Consider both monetary and non-monetary rewards.

⚙️ Targeted Online Community Ad: Develop a targeted advertisement for professional online communities relevant to the {Job Title} role (e.g., Slack groups, forums) to reach a niche audience of qualified candidates.

⚙️ Compelling Infographic (Stats & Benefits): Create a compelling infographic showcasing company statistics and benefits (e.g., employee satisfaction, work-life balance) to attract potential candidates for the {Job Title} position. Use clear visuals and data.

⚙️ Company Culture Q&A Script: Formulate a script for HR personnel to answer frequently asked questions from candidates about the company culture and work environment, including remote work policies, if applicable.

⚙️ Industry Conference Sponsorship: Generate a list of industry conferences or events relevant to the {Job Title} role to target potential candidates through event sponsorships or presentations. Highlight your company’s expertise in the field.

⚙️ Company Culture Event Social Media Post: Craft a social media post promoting a company culture event (e.g., team-building activity, volunteering initiative) to attract potential candidates and showcase a positive work environment.

⚙️ Targeted Similar Role Follow-up Email: Create a targeted email template to follow up with candidates who applied for a similar role to see if they might be interested in the newly opened {Job Title} position. Briefly explain how their skills and experience align with the new role.

⚙️ Glassdoor Negative Review Response (Concerns & Positivity): Formulate a response to a negative Glassdoor review about the company, addressing the raised concerns transparently and highlighting positive aspects of the work environment to maintain a balanced perspective.

⚙️ Employee Testimonial Social Media Post: Craft a social media post featuring employee testimonials about their experience working at the company. The post should highlight positive aspects of the culture, team dynamics, and leadership.

⚙️ Diversity & Inclusion Blog Post: Develop a blog post about the importance of diversity and inclusion within {your company} and how it fosters a collaborative and innovative work environment. Highlight initiatives and success stories.

⚙️ Glassdoor Interview Review Response (Improvements): Formulate a response to a negative Glassdoor review about the interview process, outlining steps taken to improve the candidate experience (e.g., clearer communication, timely updates).

ChatGPT Prompts for HR for Candidate Screening & Interview

💻 Personalized Offer Letter (Compensation & Benefits): Generate a personalized offer letter for a top candidate for the {Job Title} position, highlighting company culture, key benefits, compensation details, and start date.

💻 Assessment Feedback Script (Strengths & Areas for Improvement): Develop a script for HR personnel to provide constructive feedback to candidates who were not selected for the {Job Title} role. Focus on their strengths and identify areas for improvement, offering resources for their future job search. I have shared all the details below.

💻 Resume Screening Guide: Develop a detailed guide for screening resumes to identify the most qualified candidates for {Job Title}. Include criteria for education, experience, skills, and accomplishments.

💻 Phone Interview Script: Create a script for conducting phone interviews with candidates for the {Job Title} role. Include key questions to assess qualifications, experience, and cultural fit.

💻 Technical Skills Assessment: Design a technical skills assessment for candidates applying for the {Job Title} role. Include practical tasks or problem-solving questions related to the specific skills required.

💻 Soft Skills Evaluation Guide: Develop a guide to evaluate soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and adaptability in candidates for the {Job Title} role. Include specific indicators to look for during interviews.

💻 Video Interview Questions: Create a list of video interview questions for candidates unable to attend in-person interviews for the {Job Title} role. Ensure questions cover key areas such as experience, skills, and motivation.

💻 Reference Check Questions: Prepare a set of questions for conducting reference checks on candidates for the {Job Title} role. Focus on verifying employment history, skills, and work performance.

💻 Interviewer Training Guide: Develop a guide to train interviewers on how to effectively screen and assess candidates for the {Job Title} role. Include best practices and common pitfalls to avoid.

💻 Candidate Evaluation Matrix: Develop a candidate evaluation matrix to compare and rank candidates for the {Job Title} role. Include categories such as experience, skills, cultural fit, and interview performance.

💻 Pre-Employment Testing Protocol: Establish a protocol for pre-employment testing for the {Job Title} role. Include guidelines for test administration, scoring, and interpretation.

💻 Peer Interview Guide: Create a guide for conducting peer interviews with candidates for the {Job Title} role. Include questions that assess teamwork, collaboration, and peer relationships.

💻 Work Ethic Interview Questions: Develop a list of interview questions to assess candidates’ work ethic and reliability for the {Job Title} role. Focus on their approach to work, responsibility, and commitment.

💻 Detailed Candidate Scorecard: Develop a detailed candidate scorecard to rate and compare candidates for the {Job Title} role. Include sections for skills, experience, cultural fit, and overall impression.

💻 Structured Interview Guide (Behavioral & Situational): Formulate a structured interview guide with a mix of behavioral and situational questions for the {Job Title} position. Tailor questions to assess specific skills and experience outlined in the job description.

💻 Candidate Presentation Prompt (Problem-Solving & Creativity): Generate a presentation prompt for a candidate interview in the {Job Title} role that requires them to solve a problem, present their solution, and answer questions. This assesses their communication, analytical, and problem-solving skills.

💻 Salary Negotiation Script (Market Value & Flexibility): Develop a script for HR personnel to navigate salary negotiations with a top candidate for the {Job Title} role.

💻 Candidate Rejection Email (Professional & Courteous): Craft a professional and courteous email template to inform candidates who were not selected for the {Job Title} role. Thank them for their time and interest in the position, and optionally offer suggestions for future opportunities.

💻 Interview Thank-You Email (Continued Interest): Generate a personalized thank-you email template for a candidate who interviewed well for the {Job Title} role. Reiterate our interest in their skills and experience and outline the next steps in the hiring process.

ChatGPT Prompts for HR for Onboarding & New Hire Experience

🙏 New Hire Success Story Blog Post (Motivation & Inspiration): Develop a blog post showcasing the success story of a recent new hire in the {Job Title} role. Highlight their onboarding experience and achievements, inspiring potential future hires.

🙏 Onboarding Feedback Debrief (Strengths & Areas for Improvement): Craft a script for HR personnel to debrief managers and mentors after the onboarding period for the {Job Title} role. Discuss strengths and areas for improvement in the onboarding program based on feedback received.

🙏 Social Media New Hire Announcement (Team Welcome): Generate a social media post announcing the arrival of a new team member for the {Job Title} role. Include a photo, a brief introduction, and a warm welcome from the team.

🙏 New Hire Training Feedback Form (Delivery & Effectiveness): Develop a training feedback form for new hires to assess the effectiveness of the onboarding training program for the {Job Title} role. Gather feedback on content, delivery, and overall value in helping them learn their new role.

🙏 Virtual Onboarding Resources Guide (Tools & Platforms): Create a comprehensive guide for new hires starting remotely, outlining the various virtual tools and platforms they will be using in their {Job Title} role (e.g., video conferencing, project management).

🙏 One-on-One Meeting Agenda Template (Goals & Expectations): Develop a one-on-one meeting agenda template for managers to conduct regular meetings with new hires in the {Job Title} role during their first few months. Focus on setting goals, providing feedback, and addressing any concerns.

🙏 Performance Management Introduction (Expectations & Goals): Develop a script for HR personnel to introduce new hires to the company’s performance management process. Explain evaluation criteria, goal setting, and feedback mechanisms.

🙏 New Hire Discount Program Information (Benefits & Perks): Craft a welcome email outlining the company’s new hire discount programs on various products or services (e.g., gym memberships, software subscriptions).

🙏 Virtual Team-Building Activity Platform Recommendations: Generate a list of recommended virtual team-building activity platforms suitable for engaging new hires with their team members during the onboarding process. Consider platforms offering games, quizzes, or collaborative challenges.

🙏 Onboarding Best Practices Blog Post (Tips & Strategies): Develop a blog post sharing best practices for a successful onboarding program. Include tips for creating a welcoming environment, providing clear communication, and setting new hires up for success.

🙏 Post-Onboarding Feedback Survey (Long-Term Impact): Craft a survey to gather feedback from new hires several months after their start date in the {Job Title} role. This assesses the long-term impact of the onboarding program on their overall experience and job satisfaction.

🙏 New Hire Buddy Program (Informal Support & Camaraderie): Formulate a framework for a new hire buddy program where a more experienced employee can provide informal support and companionship to a new hire in the {Job Title} role during their first few months.

🙏 Mentorship Program Matching Criteria (Compatibility & Goals): Develop criteria for matching new hires with mentors in the onboarding mentor program for the {Job Title} role. Consider factors like skills, experience level, and personality compatibility to ensure a successful mentorship experience.

🙏 Welcome Video Script (Company Culture & Values): Create a script for a welcome video showcasing the company culture and values for new hires in the {Job Title} role. Feature employee testimonials, highlight company traditions, and convey the overall work environment.

🙏 Onboarding Follow-Up Plan: Develop a follow-up plan to ensure continued support and integration of new hires after the initial onboarding period.

ChatGPT Prompts for HR for Performance Management & Development

🎯 Performance Improvement Plan Template (Goals & Support): Formulate a template for a performance improvement plan (PIP) for employees in the {Job Title} role who are underperforming. Outline specific goals, timelines, resources, and support mechanisms to help them improve their performance. Pssst! If you’re not sure about trusting AI with this, check out our free performance improvement template here.

🎯 Manager Recognition & Reward Ideas (Achievements & Motivation): Generate a list of creative recognition and reward ideas for managers to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of employees in the {Job Title} role. Consider both monetary and non-monetary rewards to cater to different preferences. If you’re looking for ideas that don’t sound “ChatGPT-ish”, check out our 2024 guide to employee recognition.

🎯 Internal Development Program Announcement (Skills & Growth): Craft an announcement email promoting an upcoming internal development program relevant to the {Job Title} role. Highlight the program’s benefits, learning objectives, and registration details.

🎯 Skill Gap Analysis Tool Recommendations: Research and suggest online skill gap analysis tools that can be utilized to identify specific skill gaps and development needs for employees in the {Job Title} role.

🎯 Microlearning Content Recommendations (Short & Engaging): Generate a list of recommended platforms or resources offering microlearning content relevant to the skills required for the {Job Title} role. Microlearning focuses on short, bite-sized learning modules that are engaging and easily digestible.

🎯 Manager Development Coaching Script (Leadership & Effectiveness): Develop a script for HR personnel to coach managers on providing effective development feedback to their employees in the {Job Title} role. Focus on clear communication, actionable suggestions, and fostering a growth mindset.

🎯 Career Development Path Framework (Growth Opportunities): Formulate a framework outlining potential career development paths for employees in the {Job Title} role. Highlight internal opportunities for advancement, required skills, and training resources available.

🎯 Stay Interview Questions (Engagement & Retention): Craft a set of stay interview questions to conduct informal discussions with high-performing employees in the {Job Title} role. These questions aim to understand their job satisfaction, career aspirations, and any potential concerns they might have. It will also help with reducing turnover.

🎯 Lunch & Learn Session Proposal (Topic & Benefits): Generate a proposal for a lunch & learn session focused on a relevant topic for the {Job Title} role. Highlight the benefits of these sessions for employee development and knowledge sharing within the team.

🎯 Tuition Reimbursement Program Details (Education & Growth): Craft a clear and concise document outlining the details of the company’s tuition reimbursement program for employees in the {Job Title} role. Specify eligibility criteria, application process, and coverage for relevant educational programs.

🎯 External Training Opportunity Evaluation (Value & ROI): Develop a framework for evaluating the value and return on investment (ROI) of external training opportunities being considered for employees in the {Job Title} role. Consider factors like cost, learning outcomes, and alignment with development goals.

🎯 Manager Training on Coaching for OKRs (Goal Setting & Support): Develop a training program for managers on coaching employees in the {Job Title} role on setting, tracking, and achieving OKRs.

🎯 Performance Management & Development with OKRs Policy: Draft a clear and concise policy outlining the company’s approach to performance management and development with OKRs, specifically for the {Job Title} role.

🎯 Manager Development on Using ChatGPT for Performance Management: Develop a training program for managers on utilizing ChatGPT effectively for performance management in the {Job Title} role. This can include techniques for leveraging ChatGPT for tasks like analyzing performance data, generating feedback prompts, and identifying skill gaps.

🎯 Performance Review Feedback Phrasing: For performance reviews in the {Job Title} role, suggest alternative phrasings for feedback provided by managers. The goal is to ensure clarity, avoid potential bias, and promote a more objective and constructive conversation.

ChatGPT Prompts for HR for Employee Relations & Retention

🫂 Work-Life Balance Survey (Flexibility & Needs): Develop a survey to assess the work-life balance of employees in the {Job Title} role. Gather feedback on workload, flexible work arrangements, and company policies that support a healthy balance.

🫂 Employee Newsletter Content Ideas (News & Recognition): Generate content ideas for a regular employee newsletter that keeps employees in the {Job Title} role informed about company news, upcoming events, employee recognition stories, and other relevant information.

🫂 Exit Interview Script (Honest Feedback & Improvement): Formulate a script to guide HR personnel in conducting exit interviews with employees leaving the company, specifically those in the {Job Title} role. Gather honest feedback on their experience, reasons for leaving, and areas for improvement within the company.

🫂 Flexible Work Policy Guidelines (Remote & Hybrid Options): Craft clear and concise guidelines outlining the company’s flexible work policy for employees in the {Job Title} role. Specify eligibility criteria, expectations for remote work, and communication protocols.

🫂 Internal Job Posting Announcement (Growth Opportunities): Craft an announcement promoting an open internal job position relevant to the skills and experience of employees in the {Job Title} role. Highlight career development opportunities within the company.

🫂 Social Media Recognition Post (Employee Achievements): Generate a social media post recognizing and celebrating the achievements of an employee in the {Job Title} role. This showcases employee talent and fosters a culture of appreciation.

🫂 Employee Referral Program Incentive Update (Rewards & Motivation): Announce an update to the employee referral program, introducing new or increased incentives for employees in the {Job Title} role to refer qualified candidates for open positions.

🫂 Company Culture Survey (Values & Alignment): Formulate a company culture survey to assess employee perceptions of the company culture and its alignment with the company’s stated values for employees in the {Job Title} role. Identify any gaps and areas for improvement.

🫂 Employee Recognition Program Launch Announcement (Motivation & Performance): Craft a celebratory email announcing the company’s new employee recognition program. Outline the program’s goals, reward structure, and how employees in the {Job Title} role can be nominated for recognition.

🫂 Work-Life Balance Tips & Resources Blog Post (Strategies & Support): Develop a blog post offering tips and resources to help employees in the {Job Title} role achieve a healthy work-life balance. Include strategies for managing time effectively, setting boundaries, and utilizing company resources for support.

🫂 Celebrating Diversity Social Media Campaign Ideas (Inclusion & Awareness): Generate creative social media campaign ideas to celebrate diversity and inclusion within the company for employees in the {Job Title} role. Highlight employee stories, cultural events, or relevant holidays.

🫂 Employee Volunteer Program Announcement (Giving Back & Community): Craft an announcement email promoting the company’s employee volunteer program and encouraging employees in the {Job Title} role to participate in volunteering activities that align with the company’s values.

🫂 Manager Recognition & Appreciation Script (Leadership & Support): Develop a script for HR personnel to guide employees in recognizing and appreciating their managers for their leadership and support. Offer suggestions for expressing gratitude, both verbally and through written notes.

🫂 Team-Building Budget Allocation & Justification: Formulate a budget allocation justification for a team-building activity for the {Job Title} team. Highlight the expected benefits for employee morale, communication, and team dynamics.

🫂 Social Media Guidelines for Employees (Brand & Professionalism): Develop clear social media guidelines for employees in the {Job Title} role to ensure responsible use of social media platforms and upholding the company’s brand image.

🫂 Team Performance Celebration Ideas (Recognition & Milestones): Generate creative ideas for celebrating team performance milestones achieved by the team responsible for the {Job Title} role. Consider team lunches, outings, or recognition plaques.

🫂 Employee Engagement & Retention Best Practices Blog Post (Strategies & Initiatives): Write a blog post sharing best practices for employee engagement and retention. Include strategies for fostering a positive work environment, offering competitive benefits, and implementing effective recognition programs relevant to the {Job Title} role.

🫂 Staycation Allowance Benefit Announcement (Wellbeing & Rejuvenation): Craft an announcement email introducing a new staycation allowance benefit for employees in the {Job Title} role. Explain how the benefit can be used to support relaxation and rejuvenation during time off.

🫂 Employee Onboarding & Development Program Budget Proposal: Formulate a budget proposal for a comprehensive onboarding and development program specifically designed for the {Job Title} role. Justify the cost by highlighting the return on investment in terms of employee retention and performance.

🫂 Unpaid Time Off Policy Guidelines (Clear Communication & Flexibility): Craft clear and concise guidelines outlining the company’s unpaid time off policy for employees in the {Job Title} role. Specify eligibility requirements, communication protocols, and approval processes.

🫂 Company Picnic Announcement & Activities (Team Bonding & Fun): Announce an upcoming company picnic for employees and their families. Highlight planned activities and food options and encourage participation from employees in the {Job Title} role to foster team bonding in a casual setting.

🫂 Employee Discount Program Partner Expansion Announcement (Perks & Savings): Craft an announcement email promoting the expansion of the company’s employee discount program to include new partners relevant to the interests of employees in the {Job Title} role.

🫂 Diversity & Inclusion Committee Formation Announcement: The company is forming a new Diversity and inclusion committee, seeking participation from employees in the {Job Title} role. Highlight the committee’s goals and encourage applications.

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100+ ChatGPT Prompts for HR