100+ OKR Examples for Startups:
Chapter 1:Getting Started with OKR Examples
This chapter explores the initial steps of writing well-structured and effective OKRs. It looks into the benefits of learning from mistakes when starting with OKRs and provides inspiration to write your own OKRs. The chapter also highlights the importance of a few cycles for a team to learn to define clear and effective OKRs.
Chapter 2: Company Level Annual OKRs
This section looks into setting annual OKRs at the company level. It discusses how aligning your OKRs with your business model and company strategy can drive sustainable growth and make a positive impact. The chapter also highlights the importance of using the OKR framework to track progress towards these goals.
Chapter 3: Company Level Quarterly OKRs
This chapter covers setting quarterly OKRs that keep your startup on track toward its annual goals. It discusses how these OKRs ensure you focus on the right things every quarter, driving progress and success.
Chapter 4: Quarterly OKRs by Role
This section explores role-specific OKRs for key positions within your startup. From the CEO to the Head of Sales, it provides examples of how each role can contribute to achieving organizational objectives. The chapter also discusses how to use OKRs to enhance employee engagement and performance.
Chapter 5: Quarterly OKRs by Department
This chapter covers department-specific OKRs for HR, Marketing, Customer Success, Sales, Product, Finance, and Engineering. It discusses how OKRs can be tailored to drive performance in different areas and provides examples of OKRs for startups in each department.