Top Talent Management Software

Best Talent Management Software in 2024

Is your talent management strategy feeling a bit… last decade? It’s time you invest in the latest Talent Management Software (TMS)!  

Talent management software ( TMS) is a must-have tool for companies trying to improve their human resource operations. Projected to reach a massive $23.70 billion by 2031, the worldwide talent management software (TMS) industry is expected to grow at an exponential rate. With the best TMS, you can automate and simplify tasks throughout the employee lifecycle, from hiring and onboarding to overseeing performance and planning for the future.

With so many options out there, it can be challenging to find the best talent management software. This blog will give you a comprehensive idea about:

  • What is Talent Management Software?
  • How does it help your organization?
  • How to choose the best talent management software in 2024?
  • 20 Talent Management Software you must check out!

Let’s dive right in!

What is Talent Management Software?

Talent management system (TMS) is an all-in-one program that helps businesses in the human resources lifecycle (recruitment, onboarding, performance reviews, and retention).

Here are a few of the numerous tasks that this software helps businesses with:

  • Workforce planning 
  • Talent acquisition
  • Remuneration
  • Skill management
  • Employee career development

On a larger scale, TMS can be broken down into two main groups:

Comprehensive: These systems support various hiring operations and are frequently modular. The user chooses the features they want to simplify their routine.

Specific: These tools usually cater to a particular hiring or talent management requirement. The most prevalent example is payroll automation.

Ultimately, the right talent management software type for your business depends on its size, revenue, requirements, and personnel dynamics.

Role of Talent Management Software in Organizations

Role of Talent Management Software

Talent Management Software lays the technical foundation for your organization’s human resources. TMS has sophisticated features that can improve the following aspects of your business.

Goal tracking and alignment: 

Only 16% of frontline workers have an understanding of how their goals relate to company objectives. It reflects a sense of disconnect between the employee and the organizational growth. 

To strategically link employee goals with organizational objectives, TMS uses smart goal-setting frameworks that interact with organizational KPIs. Today, AI algorithms enable this integration by suggesting modifications and predicting results.

Performance management:

The best talent management systems aim for improved efficiency and output. They do this by assisting you in establishing both short-term and long-term objectives and inspiring your staff to put in maximum effort to pursue them.

On top of that, the program lets you evaluate and reward staff members based on their annual performance through real-time analytics dashboards. It helps you keep all high achievers engaged and on track for future advancement.

Employee engagement:

If you want your staff to be more productive, you must get to know them better. The ideal way is to establish rapport with staff members, get their input, evaluate, and show appreciation for their work.

Using predictive analytics, TMS can measure engagement, sentiment, and the frequency of pulse surveys to determine how engaged and happy employees are. HR can better target initiatives and raise worker satisfaction levels using this data. 

Hiring decisions:

You may already know how wide-ranging hiring practices and personnel data are. Almost every phase of the talent lifecycle requires documentation, and you cannot manually document and manage all this data for long.

Modern TMS can automate this by analyzing resumes and matching people to job profiles according to their skills, qualifications, and probable fit using advanced algorithms. They also include integrations with professional networks and social media to improve the hiring process.


An effective onboarding process boosts new employee retention rates by up to 82% and accelerates their integration into the team. By using well-designed Talent Management System (TMS) onboarding modules, new hires can quickly connect with key team members and access essential resources. It eases their transition and sets them up for success from the start.

Technology-integrated TMS onboarding procedures integrate recruits into business culture and operations using digital checklists, automated job assignments, and e-learning tools.


Advanced tracking in TMS using integrated software systems monitors various HR metrics across the employee lifecycle. These systems provide dashboards that display real-time data on recruitment metrics, performance ratings, and training progress, facilitating informed decision-making. This data helps with workforce planning and succession planning initiatives​.

Data management:

TMS systems come with full-featured data management specifications to combine and analyze massive volumes of HR data. To ensure data integrity and accessibility, cloud-based platforms provide scalable storage options, improved security measures, and easy integration with other corporate systems.

Who Uses a Talent Management System?

Talent Management Systems are used across various organizational roles. Each role benefits distinctly from the functionalities offered by the system:

  • HR professionals: For a multitude of HR functions right from recruitment, onboarding, and performance management to employee development.
  • Recruiters: To track applicants, assess candidates, and easily communicate with them.
  • Senior executives: To undertake strategic workforce planning and better align talent strategy and business objectives. 
  • Managers: To monitor and improve their teams’ performance, set and track goals, administer timely feedback, identify skill gaps that need to be filled, and plan succession.
  • Employees: To access training programs, personal performance metrics, and career development tools.
  • Learning and development professionals: To manage educational content and training programs for employee development.

How to Choose the Best Talent Management Software for Your Organization?

Choosing Best Talent Management Software

We have curated a list of aspects you must consider when choosing talent management software for your business.

Factor in the industry and customization needs

You must select a system that meets your industry’s specific demands and aligns with your organizational needs.

Consider industry-specific features – Different sectors have unique requirements. For example:

  • Healthcare: In this case, look for software that supports compliance, credentialing, and clinical skills assessments. It helps maintain accreditation and adhere to regulatory standards.
  • Retail: Here, you must opt for solutions to manage seasonal workforce variations and link employee performance directly to sales outcomes.

Customization capabilities: Select software that can be tailored to address your market sector’s unique challenges and pain points. Does the software handle complex and company-specific needs? What specific company pain point does the software address? Ask yourself before choosing.

Flexibility and scalability: As your company evolves, so should your talent management system. Software with great flexibility lets you adapt to changes in performance processes and organizational growth. Also, choose configurable software to ensure you have access to detailed and relevant data to make informed, future-forward decisions.

Ask vendors relevant questions

When it comes to selecting the perfect talent management software for your organization, asking the right questions is key. Take a look at these questions.

Question: How frequent are your updates, and how do they affect existing workflows?

  • Why it matters: It’s important that updates enhance functionality without causing significant downtime or learning curves.

Question: What kind of training and support do you offer during and after implementation?

  • Why it matters: Effective training ensures your team confidently utilizes the software, maximizing the investment. Continuous support from the vendor is crucial for resolving any future issues.

Question: Can your system grow with our organization?

  • Why It Matters: Not all software will scale smoothly with your growth. It’s essential to learn how the vendor plans to accommodate your evolving needs.

Question: How well can your software integrate with our existing HR technologies?

  • Why it matters: A good talent management system should seamlessly import data from your current tools without issues. This integration is critical for maintaining continuity and reducing implementation headaches.

Question: What is the user experience like for both administrators and employees? Can we have a demo to test the interface?

  • Why it matters: A user-friendly interface increases employee adoption rates and reduces the learning curve, maximizing the software’s effectiveness.

Understand implementation schedule

The implementation timeline can vary widely based on the complexity of your needs and the readiness of your internal systems. Here’s what you can consider:

  • Set realistic expectations: If your company is just starting to refine its value proposition, don’t expect to launch new software within a month. Finding the right vendor and setting up the system takes time.
  • Complex needs extend timelines: The more intricate your organization’s requirements, the longer it’ll take to get everything up and running. Here’s a practical tip:
    • Work backward: Start by deciding on your ideal “go-live” date. Then, plan backward to set milestones to be achieved along the way.
    • Evaluate vendor: With your timeline in mind, look for vendors who meet your criteria within the desired schedule. Make sure they have experience handling implementations at your scale and complexity.

Check the integration capabilities

As indicated by a recent report from Asana, knowledge workers juggle approximately ten applications roughly 25 times per day. Additionally, 27% of workers feel they lose track of critical messages and actions when they switch applications, and 26% think media multitasking reduces their productivity.

With instant access to your previous applications, users don’t have to waste time hopping between them. You must know how successfully you consider integrating the systems with your current HR tech stack.

An effective TMS will have no trouble integrating with preexisting systems to avoid data silos and enhance the user experience. Consider integrating systems to keep data accurate and consistent.

Ensure accurate data and analytics

Comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities are a must for an effective TMS. If you want to keep tabs on HR indicators and get insights to help with strategic decision-making, you need these tools. 

They offer detailed analytics to track HR metrics like employee performance, retention rates, and hiring metrics. Importantly, ensure the analytics interface is user-friendly. Non-technical users should feel comfortable navigating and extracting data.

Best Talent Management Software in 2024

Now you know what to look for in the right talent management software and how it can benefit your organization. But with the sea of TMS options available, how do you begin your quest for your best fit? We’ll make it easy for you. Here are 20 top talent management systems you can choose from.

Best Talent Management Software in 2024


Peoplebox is a dynamic OKR, Talent Management, and People Analytics platform designed to help companies align and retain top performers through deep integration with work tools like SQL, Jira, Asana, and HubSpot. It offers actionable insights to support strategy execution and enhance employee experience, serving businesses worldwide. The platform also seamlessly integrates with Slack, Microsoft Teams, and various HRIS platforms to improve user experience and operational efficiency.

Peoplebox - Talent Management Software



  • Real-time goal tracking integrated with work tools
  • Automated performance reviews and 360-degree feedback
  • Advanced people analytics for strategic decision-making
  • Customizable engagement surveys with automated analytics
  • Direct integration for continuous performance updates within Slack
  • Comprehensive OKR and performance management aligned with business strategies


Peoplebox pricing



BambooHR offers a comprehensive HR platform that simplifies hiring and retirement processes. Known for its user-friendly interface, it’s designed to consolidate various HR functionalities into a single integrated system and serves over 33,000 organizations globally.

BambooHR features over 125 integrations, allowing seamless connection with other HR tech tools and enhancing functionality and user experience.

BambooHR- Top Talent Management  Software


  • Centralized employee database and automated reporting
  • Integrated payroll, time tracking, and benefits management
  • Efficient hiring and onboarding process
  • Employee self-service portals to enhance user engagement
  • Tools for performance management and employee feedback




Workday Talent Management is a cloud-based solution for medium to large businesses in various industries, including finance, healthcare, and technology. The platform excels in integrating advanced HR processes from recruitment to retirement, emphasizing a seamless user experience and robust functionality to support complex organizational needs.

Workday- Top Talent Management  Software


  • AI-driven recruiting tools to enhance talent acquisition
  • Learning and development platforms tailored to employee growth
  • Advanced talent optimization analytics
  • Comprehensive talent acquisition capabilities
  • Detailed performance management tools


  • No Free trial
  • Premium plans are quotation-based


Combining the efficiencies of Ultimate Software and Kronos, UKG Pro offers a comprehensive HR solution designed to manage and nurture the entire employee lifecycle. It is particularly efficient in workforce management and HR service delivery. The platform integrates with operational systems and offers tools for analytics and decision-making.

UKG pro- Top Talent Management  Software


  • AI-powered insights and analytics for strategic decision-making.
  • Comprehensive HR solutions, including payroll, benefits management, and compliance.
  • Robust recruiting and onboarding tools to streamline talent acquisition.
  • Advanced scheduling and timekeeping functionalities.
  • Personalized learning and development platforms.



Cornerstone OnDemand

Cornerstone OnDemand offers a robust Human Capital Management (HCM) platform that integrates learning, performance, and recruiting in one system. Designed for large enterprises, it leverages AI to provide strategic insights and a personalized talent experience. It easily integrates with various HR and business systems, enhancing functionality and user experience across the organization.

Cornerstone OnDemand- Top Talent Management  Software


  • AI-powered analytics and personalized talent experiences
  • Comprehensive learning management system (LMS)
  • Advanced performance management tools
  • Robust recruiting and onboarding solutions
  • Strategic workforce planning capabilities



ADP Workforce Now

ADP Workforce Now is a cloud-based platform that integrates HR, payroll, time, talent, and benefits administration. It offers extensive compliance and data security features.  This comprehensive solution helps businesses of all sizes by using technology for enhanced talent acquisition, performance management, and employee retention strategies.

ADP Workforce Now- Top Talent Management Software


  • Sophisticated recruiting and onboarding tools
  • Comprehensive performance management systems
  • Extensive learning and development modules
  • Real-time analytics for strategic decision-making
  • Seamless payroll integration



iCIMS Talent Cloud

iCIMS is renowned for its comprehensive talent acquisition platform, which is tailored to enhance recruiting efficiency. Enhanced by a vast ecosystem of nearly 700 partners, iCIMS serves over 4,000 clients globally, including roughly 40% of the Fortune 100, who rely on its solutions for their recruitment needs. Its platform has robust integration capabilities with major HR systems and business tools, driving efficiency and strategic talent management.

iCIMS-  Top Talent Management Software


  • Advanced applicant tracking system (ATS)
  • Dynamic career site-building tools
  • Comprehensive candidate relationship management
  • Engaging onboarding experiences
  • Video interviewing capabilities


Subscription model starting at $1,700/month


JazzHR is a leading ATS and recruiting software trusted by over 10,000 growing businesses. It replaces traditional manual hiring processes like email and spreadsheets with an intuitive system that helps recruiters and hiring managers develop a scalable recruitment process. This system effectively attracts more qualified candidates quickly and affordably, making hiring easy, effective, and adaptable to the growth needs of small to mid-sized businesses.

JazzHR- Top Talent Management Software


  • Customizable career pages to showcase employer brand
  • Seamless integration with popular job boards
  • Automated candidate sourcing and tracking
  • Collaborative hiring tools to streamline the recruitment process
  • Comprehensive reporting and analytics for informed decision-making


JazzHR Pricing


Lattice provides a performance management solution that helps businesses enhance employee performance, identify top contributors, and support every team member’s success. Their platform offers tools for project-based and 360-degree reviews, integrating feedback and goals to streamline performance management processes. Lattice’s system is customizable, enabling continuous feedback and growth, fostering a culture of development, and enhancing employee and manager effectiveness.

Lattie- Top Talent Management Software


  • Flexible setup for performance reviews
  • Integration of updates, peer feedback, and goals
  • Customizable to support continuous feedback
  • Tools for building a culture of growth
  • Contextual insights for performance tracking


lattice pricing


Paycor is a user-friendly HR and payroll software designed to streamline payroll processes, enhance tax compliance, and serve as a comprehensive repository for employee data. Catering to over 29,000 small to medium-sized businesses, Paycor offers features like OnDemand Pay, AutoRun functionality, and powerful reporting tools to facilitate quick and accurate employee payments.

Paycor- Top Talent Management Software


  • Intuitive payroll processing with AutoRun functionality
  • OnDemand Pay for immediate employee access to earned wages
  • Employee self-service portal
  • Comprehensive tax compliance and management
  • Robust reporting tools with customizable options




 ZipRecruiter is renowned for its efficient talent management platform. It simplifies hiring by matching open positions with qualified candidates through an intuitive, all-in-one dashboard. Trusted by over 1 million businesses, including small startups and large enterprises, it streamlines the hiring process, significantly reducing hiring time. 

ZipRecruiter- Top Talent Management Software


  • Integrated job distribution to over 100 partner sites
  • Smart matching technology to connect candidates with suitable jobs
  • Mobile app that allows job management on the go
  • Candidate screening and rating tools
  • Customizable workflows and reporting capabilities


Custom Work OS is a versatile, no-code platform that streamlines HR management and workflows, making it simple to organize and optimize the hiring process. Trusted by businesses globally, it enhances recruitment strategies and improves employee experiences through comprehensive features like automation, real-time collaboration, and extensive integrations.  Top Talent Management Software


  • Customizable dashboards for real-time insights
  • Automation of routine tasks to increase efficiency
  • Extensive integration options with popular tools
  • Collaborative spaces for team interaction
  • Advanced reporting capabilities for data-driven decisions

Pricing pricing


Gusto offers an extensive HR platform that simplifies talent management for businesses of all sizes. It enhances the employee experience through tools designed for efficient hiring, managing, and nurturing talent. More than 300,000 businesses trust Gusto for their HR needs, relying on its intuitive software to streamline HR processes and drive employee satisfaction.

Gusto- Top Talent Management Software


  • Integrated hiring and onboarding solutions
  • Real-time feedback and performance tracking
  • Customizable HR policies and compliance management
  • Robust analytics and workforce insights
  • Seamless integration with other HR and productivity tools


Gusto Pricing


Paylocity offers an all-encompassing talent management suite designed to meet the evolving needs of modern workforces. It empowers organizations to automate recruitment, streamline onboarding, manage performance, and ensure fair compensation. Known for its robust technology, Paylocity supports many businesses in fostering a culture of connection, collaboration, and growth.

Paylocity- Top Talent Management Software


  • Comprehensive recruiting and onboarding automation
  • Performance management with ongoing feedback tools
  • Customizable compensation management
  • Advanced learning management system (LMS)
  • Real-time analytics and workforce insights


Provided upon request


Paycom offers a comprehensive talent management system to enhance the entire employee lifecycle. This integrated solution helps organizations manage and optimize workforce performance from hiring through retirement. Numerous industries trust Paycom’s software to streamline operations and improve employee engagement.

Paycom- Top Talent Management Software


  • Comprehensive performance management system
  • Advanced compensation planning tools
  • Employee self-service portal for data management
  • Position management to organize and plan workforce structure
  • Paycom Learning for employee development




isolved’s Talent Management System is part of the isolved People Cloud, designed to enhance employee engagement and performance across various industries. It streamlines tasks with automation, from posting job openings to scheduling interviews, making the hiring process efficient and effective. Trusted by professionals in healthcare, financial services, and more, isolved integrates essential HR functions into a single platform.

isolved- Top Talent Management Software


  • Automated job posting to top job boards
  • Pre-screening with customizable questionnaires
  • Integrated scheduling tools
  • Performance management and feedback
  • Comprehensive learning management system




Workable is a leading talent acquisition platform that revolutionizes hiring through its comprehensive Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Designed to enhance recruitment processes with AI, Workable offers robust sourcing tools and seamless integration with major job boards, accelerating the hiring process while providing actionable insights. Workable serves a global clientele and combines automation with a full suite of HR functionalities to improve candidate experience and streamline employee management.

Workable- Top Talent Management Software


  • AI-powered candidate sourcing
  • Automated interview scheduling and task management
  • Comprehensive job posting across multiple channels
  • Real-time collaborative hiring tools
  • Detailed reporting and analytics for hiring metrics


Workable Pricing


Rippling offers an advanced Talent Management System that simplifies the employee lifecycle management process, providing tools for hiring and offboarding. It integrates seamlessly with various business systems, allowing organizations to maintain all employee data in one place. Rippling is renowned for its ability to automate complex HR tasks efficiently, supporting businesses in over 100 countries.

Rippling - Top Talent Management Software


  • Automated onboarding and offboarding processes
  • Global payroll capabilities
  • Comprehensive benefits management
  • Advanced compliance and performance management tools
  • Robust learning management system


Rippling Pricing


Deel is a global workforce management platform that specializes in helping companies hire, onboard, pay, and manage employees and contractors across over 150 countries. It offers solutions for companies acting as the employer of record, thus simplifying international labor law compliance, payroll, and benefits without the need for local entities.

Deel- Top Talent Management Software


  • Employer of record services in numerous countries
  • Integrated payroll and benefits management
  • Compliance tools to prevent contractor misclassification
  • Legal contract templates reviewed for local compliance
  • Global mobility services, including visa sponsorship assistance


Deel Pricing


Remofirst is a comprehensive HRIS and EOR platform that facilitates global workforce management for businesses of all sizes. It allows companies to manage payroll, ensure compliance, and handle benefits across over 170 countries. Designed for remote and global employee management, Remofirst simplifies the complexities of international employment.

Remofirst Top Talent Management Software


  • Global payroll management in multiple currencies
  • Compliant contracts and onboarding for international employees
  • Employer of Record (EOR) services in numerous countries
  • Customizable screening questions for candidate pre-screening
  • Integrated HR and talent management tools


Remofirst Pricing

Summing Up

As we wrap up our search for the best talent management software in 2024, here’s a reminder to prioritize your organizational goals and employee engagement. A cutting-edge performance management platform can help you with that by connecting people and business strategies. The goal is to ensure that both management and staff move together towards shared goals!


  1. How much does a Talent Management System cost? 

The cost of a Talent Management System (TMS) varies widely depending on the features, the number of users, and the implementation complexity. On average, TMS pricing models typically fall from $7 to $10 per monthly employee​​. At the same time, more comprehensive systems for large enterprises can cost significantly more, especially when additional features like advanced analytics, custom integrations, and dedicated support are included.

  1. How do I choose a Talent Management System?

Choosing the right TMS involves several steps:

  • Understanding the functionalities essential for your organization, such as recruitment, performance management, learning and development, and employee engagement. 
  • Comparing vendors based on their feature sets, ease of use, customer support, and pricing. 
  • Ensuring the TMS can integrate with your existing HR and other business systems. 
  • Selecting a system that can grow with your organization and be customized to meet specific needs. 
  1. What is TMS in HR? 

TMS, or Talent Management System, is a suite of integrated software applications designed to manage an organization’s full employee talent lifecycle. This includes recruiting, onboarding, performance management, learning and development, succession planning, and employee engagement. TMS helps HR professionals streamline processes, improve productivity, and make data-driven decisions to improve the overall talent strategy​.

  1. What is the future of talent management?

The future of talent management is all about focusing on the complete well-being of employees, making smart, data-driven choices, ensuring everyone feels included, and keeping the organization flexible. It’s about understanding that a company’s true power comes from its people. Successful talent management strategies will use this power by fully recognizing and utilizing every team member’s unique abilities and well-being to drive the organization’s success.

Table of Contents

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