360 Performance Review Template

Every enterprise strives for fairness during employee performance reviews, but the HRs now recognize that the traditional methods are no longer effective in capturing the overall view of the employee’s performance. This “360 performance review template” is designed to ensure a balanced and comprehensive evaluation of each team member’s contributions. It will help you create a culture of continuous improvement and professional growth in your company.

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Chapter 1: What is a 360-degree performance review?

In this chapter, we will explore the process of a 360-degree performance review. This method involves gathering feedback from various perspectives within an enterprise, including self-assessment, peers, superiors, and subordinates, for an objective approach to performance evaluation.

Chapter 2: Self-Review Form

Here, we will get a self-review form designed to help you complete an honest assessment of your performance. The form features questions on your successes, challenges, and goals, to reflect on your performance and identify the path for progress.

Chapter 3: Peer Review Form

The Peer review form is created to encourage constructive feedback from your colleagues. It includes questions on strengths, areas of collaboration, communication skills, and constructive comments to offer valuable insights to help enhance your performance for the team and the company.

Chapter 4: Direct Report Review (Upward Review)

Here, we explore the form for direct report reviews, enabling employee feedback on the strengths and leadership skills of the manager. An upward review encourages constructive comments and helps create a company culture of open communication and continuous improvement.

Chapter 5: Manager Review

Here, we check a detailed form enabling managers to give feedback on employee performance in relation to their problem-solving, creative thinking, and interpersonal skills. It is designed to help highlight areas of excellence, identify scope for improvement, and encourage constructive comments.

Frequently Asked Questions on 360-Degree Review

What is a 360-degree performance review?

A 360-degree performance review is a comprehensive evaluation process that gathers feedback from various perspectives within a company. It offers detailed insights into the performance of individual employees.

Using a 360 feedback template ensures a standardized approach to performance reviews. It ensures consistency in the evaluation process and encourages fair assessments for all employees in the enterprise

As a part of a 360 degree performance template, self-review encourages individuals to assess their performance. This approach plays a vital role in self-awareness and personal growth and serves as a baseline for comparison with feedback from others.

Peer review offers useful insights into an individual’s teamwork and collaboration skills. It contributes to a balanced and well-rounded performance evaluation. Peer review highlights areas for improvement in professional development that are not always visible to managers.

A direct report review is crucial for assessing the leadership and management skills of a manager. Candid feedback from juniors can reveal how well a manager motivates, supports, and develops their team. It offers a new perspective on their administrative skills

A manager review offers an opportunity for managers to offer constructive feedback on the overall performance of an employee. As part of a 360 degree review template, it is helpful in identifying areas of strength and opportunities for career development.

There are several best practices for drafting review questions for a 360 degree evaluation template. It is crucial to ensure that the questions are specific and actionable. The survey questions should focus on key competencies of individuals, and they must promote open feedback for employee development.

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