9-box Grid Template Includes:

Chapter 1:Instructions

This chapter provides detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to use the 9 box grid template. It guides users through the process of revising guiding questions, evaluating employee performance and potential, and using the information to develop targeted talent management strategies.

Chapter 2: Guiding Questions

Here, we present a set of guiding questions designed to help professionals effectively use the 9-box grid template. These questions cover various aspects of talent management, including defining the scope of the evaluation, assessing performance and employee potential, and considering risk factors.

Chapter 3: Nine Box Grid

This section presents the 9-box grid template, a powerful tool for assessing and developing talent. Users can enter employee names and evaluate their performance and potential, providing a visual representation of talent within the organization.

Chapter 4: Term Sheet

This final section provides a term sheet that users can customize to better represent the evaluation of performance and potential in their organization. It offers flexibility, allowing users to adapt the template to their specific needs.