Talent Management Software Designed for Strategic HRs

Trusted by 500+ companies globally

One-stop talent management platform to connect people and business strategy seamlessly​

Build a culture of continuous feedback

Get a single place where all company & individual goals and
initiatives are aligned and updated in real-time.

Drive amazing adoption within Slack and Teams

Make employees fall in love with Goals and Reviews

Run Reviews in Slack/Teams

Provide magical employee experience for performance reviews, OKRs, and 1:1s right within Slack/Microsoft Teams and remove the need to use yet another tool.

Integrate with 50+ work tools to auto-update progress on goals and sync projects

Provide all the information your employees need to write holistic and fair reviews.

Tailor talent reviews to your needs

Get complete control over review cycle

Leverage expert-built templates or customize your own 360-degree feedback by selecting specific questions from a comprehensive Peoplebox template library

No need to create multiple review cycles for different teams. Customize and personalise the same form for different roles/departments with just a few clicks.

Add custom weightage for goals, competency, and values to get a fair measure of performance. Set advance formula for final rating calculation within Peoplebox.

Reduce 90% admin work in talent management processes

Set up 360° reviews in minutes

Leverage expert-built templates or customize your own 360-degree feedback by selecting specific questions from a comprehensive Peoplebox template library

Take complete control of performance review cycle with phase-wise management, previews and ability to make adjustments mid-cycle.

Set up specific nudges at every step of the review process that are automated & personalised for speedier approvals and review submissions

Identify and engage top talent

Calibrate ratings in real-time

Say goodbye to spreadsheets—visualize and adjust performance ratings directly within Peoplebox to ensure fairness across the company

Save time by automatically setting up post-review 1:1s, complete with calendar invites and agendas based on review summaries

Decide on goal cycle, goal type and enable goal selection & approval to design goal-driven reviews

Connect your tools with Peoplebox for seamless workflows

Peoplebox supports ready-to-use integrations across databases, SaaS applications, HRIS, ATS, CRM, project management, and communication platform.

Import employee data
Run reviews, surveys, 1:1s & OKRs
Update goals & projects
Enable single sign-on

You’re in good company

Thousands of teams across the globe are using Peoplebox to build a high-performing culture and retain top talent.

Implement your talent strategy as you want

Experience the most-integrated, highly customisable and user-friendly talent management platform.